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Maddie Borland

Position/Title: M.Sc by coursework
email: mborland@uoguelph.ca
Office: ANNU 116

LinkedIn site link

Hi, welcome and thank you for visiting my student profile on the UoG Animal Biosciences website.

In 2022, I completed my BSc in Animal Biology at the University of Guelph, followed up by returning to the UoG for Fall 2022 to complete my MSc by coursework. In the fourth year of my undergraduate degree, I completed a research project with Dr. Andy Robinson studying the use of estimated breeding values (EBV) compared to traditional genetic selection to improve growth rates in rainbow trout. During the summer before beginning my graduate degree, I was employed by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) as an aquaculture literature review assistant, completing publications for the government website. While working for the government, I connected with several industry professionals and expanded my Canadian fishery knowledge extensively. 

As an MSc by coursework student in Dr. David Huyben's lab, I will assist in Carmi Riesenbach's thesis project, focusing on feeding partial insect diets to rainbow trout and the effects on the gut and growth of the fish. For the project, black soldier flies will be incorporated into the feed, as promising research suggests insects as an excellent protein alternative. The research parameters will focus on growth, microbiome diversity, and immune function to determine an optimal level of insect meal included in rainbow trout diets. This will provide the industry information on how to improve and utilize insect meal as an alternative protein source, improving overall fish health and growth rates.

As of September 2022, I have begun taking courses to expand my knowledge and assist me during my research. Currently, I am enrolled in ANSC*6470 - Advanced Animal Nutrition, ANSC*6610 - Communication and Development, and ANSC*6700 - Animals in Society. 

Outside of aquaculture, some of my hobbies include playing volleyball or hanging out with my Bengal cats, Phineas and Ferb. Ultimately, I have a strong passion for research in aquaculture and want to pursue a career to enhance the industry with a positive environmental impact. My end goal is to improve fish health and genetics through research, making aquaculture a more sustainable, booming business in Canada.