Upon accepting admission as a graduate student, the Graduate Secretary will assign each individual their own account and profile within the Animal Biosciences webpage.
It is encouraged that you fill in your profile, which will help in getting to know one another's research both within the department and to external visitors, in addition to being able to market yourself and the department better. We wish to be able to link professionally completed profiles to news published at Guelph relevant to our research!
Logging in, Viewing & Editing Your Department Profile
Tips & Tricks to a Good Profile
You can access the directory listing all members within the department, including graduate students, staff, and faculty using the "People [1]" tab, accessible from the homepage.
Before you can access your personal profile, you must first log in to the department website using your Central Login credentials.
Upon successful login, you will see a navigation pane User click the Edit my Profile tab to enter all required information to create a complete profile.
Below is a general guideline to help steer you in the right direction in creating a professional profile.
The following profiles of graduate students are some good examples, for which you can use as reference:
Example 1 [2] | Example 2 [3] | Example 3 [4] | Example 4 [5] | Example 5 [6]
[1] https://animalbiosciences.uoguelph.ca/abscpeople
[2] https://animalbiosciences.uoguelph.ca/abscpeople/vasselst
[3] https://animalbiosciences.uoguelph.ca/abscpeople/fdamasc
[4] https://animalbiosciences.uoguelph.ca/abscpeople/chavekes
[5] https://animalbiosciences.uoguelph.ca/abscpeople/ljensen
[6] https://animalbiosciences.uoguelph.ca/abscpeople/jlavery