Abstract Deadline for Third Annual OMAFRA ABSc Graduate Student Symposium

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Date and Time


Are you doing some cool Animal Biosciences research? Come share your hard work and enthusiasm at the THIRD ANNUAL OMAFRA ABSc GRADUATE STUDENT SYMPOSIUM! There will be opportunities for oral podium presentations or poster presentations. There will be prizes for oral and poster presentations, and opportunities to network with OMAFRA staff, UofG faculty, and your fellow graduate students. 

Don't miss out on this great opportunity to share your work and celebrate the outstanding scientific contributions that our Department makes to Agricultural Science.

Abstract Submission Requirements:

  • Current ABSc graduate student.
  • Graduate ABSc research.
  • Abstract maximum length: 2100 characters including spaces (~300 words).

REGISTER & SUBMIT ABSTRACTS HERE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgtgWqCQ87d1pV2dz5NJdRnVMNuwMkHIDAFQRPh587k3sjCg/viewform?pli=1

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