2024 Golden Boot Soccer Cup and Annual ABSc BBQ

Date and Time


On behalf of the ABSc Social Committee, we hope you all had a wonderful summer! It is time to celebrate the beginning of a new academic year and welcome the new graduate students in our department. On Friday, September 27th, we will host the Annual Golden Boot Soccer Cup and Annual ABSc BBQ. The event was a great success last years and we are counting on you to make it great again! 

For those who are new to the department, the soccer game is Faculty/Staff vs. Grad Students and is a great way to start off the year by bringing all department members together to have some fun and friendly competition. This will be an exciting match as the Faculty and Staff won last year and the graduate students need to win back the Golden Boot!

The graduate students are now looking for revenge, and they will fight to dominate the soccer field. Only two things are certain, we will have a great match and a lot of fun on Friday, September 27th (the soccer game starts at 3:00pm).  

Starting at 5:00 PM, we will have our Annual BBQ in the ABSc courtyard. Regardless of who wins, we want to see everyone celebrating at the ABSc BBQ which will be a $8 donation event for United Way. 

Check your email for the sign up forms and we look forward to another great soccer game and BBQ and hope to see everyone there. 

The ABSc Social Committee

Angela Canovas (Chair), Sanjana Anan, Diana Rau, Flavio Schenkel, Mike Steel, and Katie Wood.

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