Teaching with Artificial Intelligence Series

Date and Time



Online via Zoom


Our Teaching with Artificial Intelligence Series (June 3 - June 7, 2024) is open to the University of Guelph, University of Guelph-Humber, and Ridgetown Campus faculty, instructors, staff, and students. ​​In partnership with CARE-AI, OpenED, OQA, McLaughlin Library, and Contact North, we are facilitating 17 AI workshops, panels, and playgrounds. Click on each Day below to explore and register for sessions.

Please note that you will need a Zoom account with your @uoguelph.ca or @guelphhumber.ca email address to register. If you don’t already have a Zoom account with your Guelph email, sign up for a free Zoom account before registering for the Teaching with AI Series sessions.

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