Florencia Olmeda's MSc Defence
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The effect of tyndallized Lactobacillus helveticus supplementation on calf performance and gut health during the pre-weaning and post-weaning period
Ensuring optimal development of dairy calves is vital to ensure the future of the lactating herd. Thus, preserving their health becomes essential, as it plays a key role in enhancing their immune system and maximizing nutrient utilization. Therefore, the objectives of this research were to 1) evaluate the impact of tyndallized Lactobacillus helveticus (TLH) supplementation to Holstein calves on growth and health metrics during the pre-and post-weaning period, and 2) to evaluate if supplementing TLH can ameliorate the adverse effects of an abrupt weaning model on the gut barrier function and inflamma-tion. Data from Chapter 2 demonstrates that TLH supplementation improves feed intake in the post-weaning period and tends to improve growth, whereas Chapter 3 suggests that TLH leads to a reduc-tion in inflammatory-related markers. Based on these data, the use of TLH could enhance the recov-ery of calves exposed to abrupt weaning practices, promoting their health and performance.