The ABSC GSC Presents The CREATIVE EXPRESSION of Research Competition
Date and Time

Animal Biosciences Graduate Students-Are you READY for our second CREATIVE EXPRESSION OF RESEARCH competition!?
Animal Biosciences Grad Students we want YOU to submit your research with a CREATIVE TWIST which could take the form of a picture, a song, a twitter or blog post, an infographic, or WHATEVER creative way YOU can think up!! Submissions are made individually, and ALL Grad Students are WELCOME and ENCOURAGED to participate.
Submissions will be OPEN: MONDAY, APRIL 4 - SUNDAY, MAY 1.
Please email submissions to ABSC GSC email ( Make sure to include YOUR NAME and YOUR SUPERVISOR'S NAME in the email.
Submissions will be showcased weekly on various Departmental platforms (website, social media, and Animal Tracks).
** If you prefer your submission not be shared you can STILL participate, please make sure to indicate in your email that you do not want your submission shared and it WILL NOT be posted**
We will have RANDOM WEEKLY DRAWS of submissions that have been made. Winners of the weekly draw will receive a FREE ABSC mug!! Draws will include cumulative submissions so the EARLIER you submit the MORE CHANCES you have to WIN!!
** Weekly winners will be announced every Monday during the submission period **
OPEN VOTING of all submissions will run MONDAY, MAY 2 - FRIDAY, MAY 6. Make sure to VOTE for your FAVOURITE ENTRY!!
1st PLACE will WIN $100 gift card to the business of their choice
2nd PLACE will WIN $50 gift card to the business of their choice
** second place will only be awarded with 10 or more entries**
3rd PLACE will WIN $25 gift card to the business of their choice
**third place will only be awarded with 15 or more entries**
Winners to be announced Monday, May 9.