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Kerry Houlahan

Position/Title: Industry Collaborator

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I am a Geneticist with Genesus Inc, and am an industry collaborator with the Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock. My current research focuses on various aspects of swine genetics including, maternal traits and selection indexes. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock under the advisement of Dr. Christine Baes, where my research focused on developing novel traits and selection methods in dairy cattle.

In 2016, I completed my B.Sc. in Agriculture where I focused on Animal Sciences at the University of Guelph. My interest in dairy cattle was sparked during my bachelor’s degree, when I had the opportunity to work for Dr. Bonnie Mallard, learning about High Immune Response Technology. Upon graduation, I began my M.Sc. under the supervision of Dr. Christine Baes and Dr. Filippo Miglior where the focus of my project was to assess the effects of including feed intake and feed efficiency into a selection index for Canadian dairy cattle, which I completed in 2018. After completion of my M.Sc. I began a Ph.D. under the supervision of Dr. Christine Baes and Dr. Flavio Schenkel. The main focus of my work was on understanding the genomic architecture of feed efficiency and the impacts of including it in selection programs.

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