Anna Kate ShovellerPosition/Title: Professor and Champion Petfoods Chair in Canine and Feline Nutrition, Physiology and Metabolism email: Phone: (519) 820-4342 Office: ANNU 240
Meet Kate ( 60 second OAC video )
Being raised on a hobby farm was one of the founding experiences that led Anna Kate Shoveller to pursue her undergraduate degree in Animal Biology from the University of Guelph. Shoveller received her PhD in Nutrition and Metabolism at the University of Alberta in 2004 and is currently a Professor in the Department of Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph. Her enthusiasm for research is credited to her PhD advisor, Dr. Ron Ball at the University of Alberta where Shoveller completed a PhD studying sulfur amino acid requirements and metabolism in pigs. After her PhD, she spent eight months as the Provincial Equine Specialist for Alberta and then returned to Guelph for a post doctoral fellowship in Companion Animal Nutrition. From 2007-2015 she was employed by Procter & Gamble and Mars Pet Care where she added to the knowledge of dog and cat nutrition through investigation in the areas of energy metabolism and nutrient budgets of dogs and cats using indirect calorimetry and applying the indicator amino acid oxidation technique and indirect calorimetry to quantify amino acids requirements in adult dogs. Additionally, Shoveller laddered nutrition to owner noticeable behaviour and often factors behaviour and quality of life into her nutrition and physiology based studies. Shoveller took her industrial experience and returned to academia where she now teaches companion animal and equine nutrition and runs an active comparative nutrition research group primarily focused on amino acid metabolism, protein quality, and macronutrient partitioning in dogs, cats, horses, and pigs. The global focus for the Shoveller lab is optimizing nutrition across mammalian species for health and longevity without compromising the future of our food chain. Shoveller is the recipient of the American Society of Nutrition Peter Reed’s Young Investigator Award (2009), The John G. Smale Award in Innovation from Procter & Gamble (2009), the American Society of Animal Science Jim Corbin Award in Companion Animal Biology (2018), the AFIA Best Friend of Pet Food (2020), and the Canadian Society of Animal Sciences Excellence in Nutrition and Meat Science (2021). She has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers, contributed to multiple book chapters, applied for multiple patents, and has gained over $5 million in less than 6 years from private industry and public funding agencies. In 2021, Shoveller was named the inaugural Champion Petfoods Chair in Canine and Feline Nutrition, Physiology and Metabolism. The global focus for the Shoveller lab is optimizing nutrition across mammalian species for health and longevity without compromising the future of our food chain.
Academic History
- B.Sc. Honours, in Animal Biology, University of Guelph (1997)
- Ph.D. Nutrition and Metabolism, University of Alberta (2004)
- Post-doctoral Fellowship in Animal Nutrition and Metabolism, University of Guelph (2004-2007)
Affiliations and Partnerships
- 2024-2027: Un iversity of Guelph Research Leadership Chair
- 2024-2029: Champion Petfoods Chair in Canine and Feline Nutrition, Physiology and Metabolism
- Member and past Chair, Companion Animal Committee, American Society of Animal Sciences
- Member of American Society of Nutrition
- Member of Canadian Nutrition Society
- Member of American Society of Animal Science
- Member of the Comparative Nutrition Society
- Associate Editor, Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, NRC Press
- Associate Editor, Frontiers in Animal Science
- Chair of The University of Guelph Senate subcommittee: Academic Petitions
- Member of University of Guelph Senate
- Scientific board member for Trouw Companion Animal Committee
- Has held or holds industrial or industry matching research funds from: Champion Pet Foods, Mars Pet Care, Simmons Pet Food, Rolf C. Hagen Inc., F.L. Emmert Company, Enviroflight, Kent Pet Group Inc., Pet Sustainability Coalition, Petcurean Pet Nutrition, Novus, Haygain, Pancosma (an ADM company), WINN Feline Foundation, JM Smuckers, Ketonaturals Pet Foods
- Has held or holds competitive provincial or federal funding from: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (Discovery, CRD, Alliance and Engage), Mitacs (Accelerate and Elevate), Canada First in Research Excellence Funding
- Adronie Verbrugghe – University of Guelph
- Dan Columbus – University of Saskatchewan
- Crystal Levesque – South Dakota State University
- Glenda Courtney-Martin – University of Toronto
- Candace Croney – Purdue University
- Lee Niel – University of Guelph
- Alexandra Harlander- University of Guelph
- Jennifer Ellis – University of Guelph
- Etienne Labussière – French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment
- Dave Seymour- Trouw Nutrition and Adjunct Professor, University of Guelph
- Mike von Massow – University of Guelph
- Shari Rehab – University of Guelph
- Kelly Swanson – University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Ryan Dilger- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Guido Bosch- Wageningen University & Research
- Ruurd Zijlstra – University of Alberta
Awards and Honours
- Research Leadership Chair, University of Guelph
- Excellence in Nutrition and Meat Sciences, Canadian Society of Animal Science animal nutrition or meat science (2020-2021)
- Friend of Pet Food, American Feed Industry Association (2019-2020)
- Corbin National Award, American Society of Animal Science (2017-2018)
- Procter & Gamble New Scientist Travel Award, Procter & Gamble (2012-2013)
- John G. Smale Award, Procter & Gamble (2009-2010)
- Nutrition Community of Practice Future Shares, Procter & Gamble (2008-2009)
- The Peter Reeds Young Investigator Award, American Society for Nutrition (2008-2009)
- ANSC*4560 Pet Nutrition
- This course covers nutrient requirements, feed formulation and nutritional idiosyncrasies for dogs, cats, and exotic pets
- EQN*4020 Advanced Equine Nutrition
- This course focuses on the nutrition of horses at peak levels of performance or endurance
- The use of real-world, case-study scenarios allows for the evaluation of practical feeding programs across a range of equine performance situations
Research Impact
Kate worked in the pet food industry from 2007 to 2015 helping to develop foods optimized protein and energy for dogs and cats of different breeds, physiological stages, and age. In industry she led and managed scientific investigations and communicated scientific results to better the lives of companion animals through the improvement of the products they eat. Her expert advice on protein and energy metabolism, effects of nutrition on behavior, and effects of nutrition on performance enhanced various products consumed by companion animals across North America.
Her current research provides information for ingredient suppliers and pet food manufacturers and for others who work with animals, such as veterinarians, to improve the health and welfare of pets and livestock.
Current Research Projects
- Comparison of methods to evaluate protein quality
- Dietary solutions to mitigate behaviour related to poor serotonergic status in cats and dogs
- Creatine metabolism in cats
- The effects of quercetin and blueberry powder on the metabolism and response to a vaccine challenge in dogs and cats
- Dietary oils in canine and feline nutrition
- The net energy of dietary protein and fiber in the domestic cat, an obligate carnivore
- Sulfur amino acid metabolism in cats
- Sulfur amino acid metabolism in dogs
- The bioavailability of amino acids from field peas using the indicator amino acid oxidation technique in dogs
Graduate Student Information
When working with graduate students, Kate aspires to help her students learn quickly, be willing to accept criticism, accomplish work of extremely high quality and push the envelope. Her lab is known to be high capacity and high energy, but also a place where people have a lot of fun. Work hard, play hard is a moto she lives by.
Kate’s students have gone on to positions in the animal nutrition industry and currently she has former graduate students at: Mars USA, Trouw Nutrition, DSM, PetValu, RC Hagen, Petcurean, Elmira Pet Foods, Simmons Pet Food, Crumps, The Toronto Zoo, Primal Petfoods, The F.L. Emmert Company, tuft & paw, and Access Security Handlers. Many MSc students have gone to veterinary college, another has combined arts with science and is a freelance science communicator, and others have used their biological science background to go into marketing in the pet products industry.
We are currently recruiting graduate students for Fall 2024!
The Shoveller laboratory will be short listing candidates to interview for select MRP positions. If you are interested in one of these positions, please e-mail Dr. Kate Shoveller at with a letter of interest that should speak directly to your preparation to take on an MSc in Nutrition and Metabolism by either Major Research Paper (MRP) or internship and which of the projects below you are interested in. Interviews will be set up for May and offers made at the end of May for a September start.
For MRP, you will work on a study, help collect samples, analyze samples, manage the resulting data, statistically analyze those data, and finally interpret them. The specific projects and the student you would be working with is outlined below.
We also will support a MSc with an internship with Madbarn which will require spending May-August 2025 working as an intern for Madbarn Equine Nutrition. This internship is also described below.
Masters in Science, Major Research Paper
Title of project: The effects of polyphenols in adult domestic cats
Experimental timeline: Winter and Summer 2025
- Two students will assess energy expenditure (1) and internal temperature (2) in cats provided different levels of blueberry powder as a source of dietary polyphenols. They will be expected to perform indirect calorimetry three to five times a week and monitor temperature through a consumable pill for an eight-to-ten-week study. This student will also assist in the collection of blood samples to assess inflammation, oxidation, and fatty acid metabolism. Finally, they will be required to participate in two-hour socialization periods before the start of the trial to familiarize themselves with the cat colony.
- This student will be supervised by postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Pauline Kosmal, and Principal Investigator, Dr. Anna Kate Shoveller. Dr. Kosmal will directly oversee the work of the student by assisting in project development, the submission of an AUP, data collection and analysis, and editing of the final paper.
- The student will not only become an expert on their given research topic with the ability to generate and analyze scientific data but, also will develop transferrable skills such as effective oral and written communication, collaboration with individuals in a diverse laboratory, and an ability to set goals and manage tasks and timelines.
Title of project: The effects of faba bean starch and protein concentrate, and faba bean flour on macronutrient digestibility, fecal characteristics, fecal microbiome, and fecal bile acids in healthy adult sled dogs
Experimental timeline: Winter and Summer 2025
- This student will assess the effects of faba starch/protein/flour on fecal parameters and nutrient digestibility. They will be primarily responsible for total fecal collection for the 5-day periods throughout the study. The student will also be expected to participate in other activities associated with this project including some portion of daily feedings, weekly weighing, and blood collection.
- The student will be supervised by PhD student, Lindsey Rumble and Principal Investigator, Dr. Anna Kate Shoveller. Rummell will directly oversee the work of the student, training on fecal collection SOPs, necessary laboratory analyses, and analysis/interpretation of the results in the form of a final paper.
- At the completion of this project, the student will have developed extensive subject matter expertise, gained experience working in the field (collections), the laboratory (sample preparation), and in generating scientific data. The student will also round out their experience through collaboration, and gain opportunities to improve their written and oral communication skills.
Title of project: Respiratory rate and stress scoring of queens during indirect calorimetry
Experimental timeline: Fall and winter 2024 and Summer 2025
- This student will assess stress response during calorimetry in queens throughout late pregnancy and nursing periods. They will be expected to perform cat stress scoring and measure respiratory rate twice daily on all queens for 1 week, then twice daily for 2 days/week for approximately 6-8 weeks. This student is also expected to participate in the general care of the colony at least 3 days a week.
- This student will be supervised by PhD students Luciana Guimaraes Reis and Sarah MacDonald Murray, in addition to Principal Investigator, Dr. Anna Kate Shoveller. Luciana and Sarah will directly oversee this student by assisting with data collection and analysis in addition to editing the final paper. Additionally, Sarah will meet with the student each semester to discuss their progress, direct the student to campus resources to support their studies, and encourage feedback to improve the program.
- This student will be participating in a large, multi-faceted study with further learning opportunities beyond their project if they seek to do so. They will become highly knowledgeable on their topic, improve their scientific communication skills, and gain experience collaborating with individuals of diverse backgrounds.
Title of project: Nitrogen balance in queens during late-stage pregnancy and nursing
Experimental timeline: Fall and winter 2024 and Summer 2025
- This student will assess nitrogen balance in queens during late pregnancy and throughout nursing. They will assist with indirect calorimetry set-up twice a week for roughly 8-10 weeks. Additionally, they are expected to perform laboratory analysis of urine and fecal samples obtained from the queens during indirect calorimetry periods to determine nitrogen balance. This student is also expected to participate in the general care of the colony at least 3 days a week.
- This student will be supervised by PhD student Sarah MacDonald Murray and Principal Investigator, Dr. Anna Kate Shoveller. Sarah will directly oversee this student by assisting with data collection and analysis in addition to editing the final paper. Additionally, Sarah will meet with the student each semester to discuss their progress, direct the student to campus resources to support their studies, and encourage feedback to improve the program.
- This student will be participating in a large, multi-faceted study with further learning opportunities beyond their project if they seek to do so. They will become highly knowledgeable on their topic, improve their scientific communication skills, and gain experience collaborating with individuals of diverse backgrounds.
Title of project: Assessing the stability of amino acids in pet foods
Experimental timeline: Fall and winter 2024 and Summer 2025
- This student will learn how to process food samples for analyses of amino acid content of pet foods (amino acids, tryptophan, and methionine analyses) requiring three full weeks in the laboratory to complete a large shelf life study. The student will be trained on good laboratory practices and how to prepare and analyze samples.
- The student will be supervised by Dr. Alex Rankovic and Principal investigator, Dr. Anna Kate Shoveller. Rankovic will support the student in all aspects of the project from analyses through to data management, data quality checks, data analyses, and finally interpretation of the data and preparation of a manuscript for peer-review.
- This student will be participating in a large, multi-faceted study with further learning opportunities beyond their project if they seek to do so. They will become highly knowledgeable on their topic, improve their scientific communication skills, and gain experience collaborating with individuals of diverse backgrounds.
Masters in Science, Industrial internship
MADBARN Equine Nutrition Inc.
The student will be involved in research projects during the summer of May - August 2025. This will include a thorough review of published literature to evaluate potential efficacy and formulation of new products as well as research methods for assessing product safety and efficacy. The student will be involved in designing and performing research studies in horses or in vitro. The student may also be involved in expanding the Feed Bank and Research Database on the Mad Barn websites to improve usability of these resources and support knowledge transfer to end users in the equine industry. The student can engage with MB nutritionists and veterinarians in weekly meetings to become familiar with the day-to-day experience of an equine nutritionist. The student will be directly supervised by Dr. Priska Darani (Director of Research) and Sharifa Darani (Chief Marketing Officer) with weekly meetings and on an ad hoc basis.
LUVPUPS is on a mission to invent and define a new hydration category for dogs and their human companions. We are currently in the R&D stage and about to receive our first prototype product for sampling and feedback.We are looking for a student who is passionate about applying innovative approaches that combine functional health of canines, scientific formula development, and consumer marketing insights.
This 100% remote position will work directly and 1-on-1 with the founders of LUVPUPS
Core objectives:
- In-field testing
- Creating and executing a structured initial sampling plan for our initial hydration product.
- Collecting, analyzing feedback and providing recommendations to create functional and marketing benefits, paired with existing scientific research, to help us launch.
- Formula R&D
- Competitive Product Research & Analysis
- Working with our initial base formulations assist co-founders to improve efficacy and diversity
This unique position will allow you to apply your scientific and veterinary expertise in a practical real-world way to help create and launch a new category while on the R&D front line of creating new products. Join us as we help dogs and their companions live life more fully and savour every moment.
The Crump Group Inc.
The Crump Group Inc. is a family-owned and operated premium pet treat manufacturer. Started in 2006, we have successfully established 3 market leading brands (Caledon Farms, Crumps Naturals AND Dog Delights) distributed throughout Canada and the United States. The Crump Group Inc., a large & rapidly growing pet food manufacturer based in Mississauga Ontario and Nashville North Carolina is seeking a dynamic, results oriented Research & Development (R&D) Assistant. Job Overview We are looking for a qualified Research and Development Assistant. In the position of R&D Assistant, provide assistance and reporting to the Sr. R&D Manager in all aspects of day-to-day duties to include the following: Responsibilities • Support and lead the formulation of new innovations - researching and sourcing ingredients, conducting benchtop testing, coordinating and attending plant trials, completing third-party certification requirements, and bringing our visions to life! • Assist on design and develop testing plans and protocols for new products • Plan, and execute experiments at all scales, gathering and analyzing data, documenting and reporting results, and making recommendations that are data-driven • Support Regulatory and QA initiatives to assure all specifications (formulation, labelling) are accurately developed and compliant with regulations (CFIA, FDA) • Scope and investigate new co-manufacturing partners for new and existing products • Assist conducting scientific experiments to assess, monitor, and improve product formulation, costs, quality and manufacturing efficiency. • Maintain accurate records of all technical work and documentation. • Support overall timeline development and project management initiatives.
Champion Petfoods Holding Inc.
1. Scientific Communications: Champion Petfoods is an award-winning pet food manufacturer that proudly creates the brands Orijen and Acana. The Research & Innovation (R&I) department is seeking a student intern during the summer of May – August 2025 to join the research team. This student will support the research team with scientific communications, literature reviews, and development of training content. This may include literature reviews and whitespace competitor analyses to provide research-backed ingredient or nutritional insights. The student will create technical pet nutrition training content and support training functions. There will be an opportunity to work directly with territory sales reps to provide technical support and translate research findings. This is a great opportunity to develop skills in knowledge translation and scientific communications, while supporting R&D functions. The student will report directly to Research Translations and Nutrition Insights Manager. This position may have a remote or hybrid offering.
2. Two interns for extrusion (kibble) and retort/new technologies.
Champion Petfoods is an award-winning pet food manufacturer that proudly manufactures the brands Orijen and Acana. The Research & Innovation (R&I) department is currently seeking a student intern for the summer term spanning from May to August 2025 to work with the Global Product Innovation Team. As a Product Innovation Intern, they will have the opportunity to immerse themself in cutting-edge projects while working alongside the formulation, product innovation, and marketing teams in a collaborative training environment. This internship offers hands-on experience in conducting test runs, developing prototypes, and contributing to the nutrition behind our Orijen and Acana products.This role will give the successful individual a unique understanding of and insight into the global pet food industry by participating in the development of ideas for new product development projects.
Key Responsibilities:
- Test Run Assistance: Work with product development and deployment teams to execute ingredient mixing in the pilot facility and assist in test runs (off-site), material collection, and analysis.
- Prototype Development: Collaborate with team members to design, build, and test prototypes, leveraging your creativity and technical skills.
- Nutrition and Formulation: Collect and assess nutritional data from various test runs and prototypes. Ensure nutritional targets set in the product brief are met.
- Documentation: Maintain detailed records of experimental procedures, results, and observations to ensure accuracy and reproducibility.
- Problem Solving: Actively participate in brainstorming sessions and contribute innovative ideas to solve technical challenges and optimize product performance.
- Communication: Present findings and progress updates to team members and stakeholders through written reports and oral presentations.
3. Technical sales
Champion Petfoods is an award-winning pet food manufacturer founded in Alberta, Canada. As a key player in the premium pet food industry we manufacture the brands ORIJEN and ACANA, helping pets thrive for a lifetime. The Advocacy team is currently seeking a student intern for the summer term spanning from May to August 2025. As an Advocacy Intern, candidates will engage with and educate retail partners and Champion associates, creating ambassadors that can confidently recommend and speak about Champion, our brands and the benefits of feeding a Biologically Appropriate food. The Advocacy Intern will work collaboratively with various internal and external teams, including Marketing, Legal and Research & Innovation teams. This internship offers experience in communicating science based research and products for the layperson creating fun and unique adult learning opportunities.
Key Responsibilities:
- Training Development: Collaborate with team members to design, build, and launch a variety of projects, which could include eLearning, training tools for live events, or Knowledge Base Articles for Retail partners and Champion Associates. Interns will have the opportunity to combine their knowledge in a creative way that makes learning fun!
- Nutrition: Use available nutritional information to explain the connection to claims, features and benefits.
- Communication: This is key! Intern’s will grow their skills in communicating a range of topics in an approachable, engaging way.
Advocacy Interns will leave the program with a unique view of the pet food industry from a marketing perspective. They will have a better understanding of what Retailers and Pet Lovers are looking for from pet food products and treats, and the importance of clearly communicating the unique features and benefits of each product.
Current Research Team
- Alexandra Rankovic, BSc, MSc, PhD - Post Doctoral Fellow
- Pauline Kosmal, BSc, MSc, PhD- Post Doctoral Fellow
- Michelina Crosbie, BSc, MSc – PhD candidate
- Sydney Banton – PhD candidate
- Sanjana Anan- PhD student
- Scarlett Burron – PhD student
- Taylor Richards – PhD student
- Pawan Singh – PhD student
- Sarah MacDonald Murray- MSc student
- Luciana Guimaraes Reis- PhD student
- Fumi Imai- PhD student
- Samantha Hartwig, BSc- MSc student
Featured Publications
Tansil F., Pezzali J.G., Cargo-Froom, C., Huber, L. Kiarie, E.G., Courtney-Martin, G. Levesque, C.L., Shoveller, A.K.. (2023). Evaluation of standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids and metabolic availability of methionine, using the indicator amino acid oxidation method, in black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) meal fed to growing pigs. Journal of Animal Science.
Banton S., von Massow M, Pezzali JG, Verbrugghe A, Shoveller AK. (2022). Jog with your dog: Dog owner exercise routines predict owner exercise routines and perception of ideal body weight. PLOS ONE. doi: 10.1371.
Pezzali, J.G., Rafii, M., Courtney-Martin, G., Cant, J.P., Shoveller.A.K. (2022). Applying the indicator amino acid oxidation technique in the domestic cat: results of a pilot study and development of a non-steady state prediction model. Journal of Animal Science.
Templeman JR, Shoveller AK. (2022). Digestible indispensable amino acid scores of animal and plant ingredients used in dog diet formulation: How protein quality metric is affected by ingredient characteristics and reference amino acid profile. Journal of Animal Science.
Robinson, E., Thornton, E., Templeman, J. R., Croney, C. C., Niel, L., et al. (2021). Changes in Behaviour and Voluntary Physical Activity Exhibited by Sled Dogs throughout Incremental Exercise Conditioning and Intermittent Rest Days. Animals, 11 (118), 11.
Shoveller, A.K., Pezzali, House, J.D., Bertolo, R.F.p., Pencharz, P.B., Ball, R.O. (2022). Methionine and cysteine oxidation are regulated in a dose dependent manner by dietary Cys intake in neonatal piglets receiving enteral nutrition. PLOS ONE.
Banton, S., Shoveller, A. K., von Massow, M., Pezzali, J. G., & Baynham, A. (2021). Grains on the brain: Consumer purchasing habits with regards to no-grain dog food. PLoS ONE., doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0250806.
Thornton, E., Robinson, E., Templeman, J., Bruggink, L., Bower, M., et al. (2021). Supplemental fiber affects body temperature and fecal metabolites but not respiratory rate or body composition in mid-distance training sled dogs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science., doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.639335.
Templeman, J. R., Hogan, K., Blanchard, A., Marinangeli, C. P., Verbrugghe, A., et al. (2021). The effect of raw and encapsulated policosanol on lipid profiles, blood chemistry, activity, energy expenditure, and macronutrient metabolism in adult cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery
Mansilla, W. D., Templeman, J. R., Fortener, L., & Shoveller, A. K. (2020). Minimum dietary methionine requirements in miniature Daschund, Beagles and Labrador Retriever adult dogs using the indicator amino acid oxidation technique. Journal of Animal Science, 98 (11)., doi:
Thornton, E., Templeman, J. R., Bower, M., Holloway, G., & Shoveller, A. (2020). Exercise but Not Supplemental Dietary Tryptophan Influences Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate in Sled Dogs. Veterinary Sciences, 7 (3), 97, doi:
Grant, C., Shoveller, A., Shauna, B., Bakovic, M., Vebrugghe, A., et al. (2020). Dietary intake of arginine and choline below recommended allowance in obese cats undergoing energy restriction for weight loss. BMC Veterinary Research, 16 (426).
Pfeuti, G., & Shoveller, A. (2019). A Novel Enzymatic Pre-treatment Improves Amino Acid Utilization in Feather Meal Fed to Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture Research, 50 (5), 1459-1474, doi:
Shoveller, A., McKnight, L. L., Wood, K., & Cant, J. (2018). Lessons from animal nutritionists: Dietary amino acid requirement studies and considerations for healthy aging studies. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 14181 (1), 20-30, doi: 10.1111/nyas.13546.
Shoveller, A., Mansilla, W., Fortener, L., & Gorman, A. (2018). Dietary phenylalanine requirements are similar in small, medium, and large breed adult dogs using the indicator amino acid oxidation technique. Journal of Animal Science.
For a full list of publications, please visit Kate's Google Scholar page.