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Meagan King

Position/Title: Post Doctoral Fellow

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Meagan is a post-doctoral researcher in the Department of Animal Biosciences at the University of Guelph.

With a background in environmental biology, she is interested in the health and welfare of many species. During her undergraduate studies at Queen’s University, she worked with fish and aquatic invertebrates, spending her time outside of school working at local veterinary clinics and the Kingston Humane Society. After spending time on the road with a local large animal veterinarian, she wanted to work with dairy cows.

Her M.Sc. project focused on how the timing of fresh feed delivery, relative to the time cows are milked, impacts their behaviour and productivity.

Her Ph.D. projects looked at factors affecting milking activity and cow behaviour in robotic milking systems, such as management, barn design, and health disorders, particularly lameness.

She is now continuing her research at UofG as a Post Doctoral Fellow, working on collaborations with others to create and validate illness detection models. She is also studying the potential for molasses supplementation to improve energy balance and metabolic health of early lactation dairy cows.