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Ali Livernois

Position/Title: Post Doctoral Fellow
Office: PAHL 4802

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Ali joined a Food from Thought project led by Dr. Bonnie Mallard, Dr. Angela Cánovas, and Dr. Neil Karrow, as a postdoctoral researcher in September 2017. The overall aim of this project is to identify livestock that are more resilient to challenges imposed by climate change. Specifically, Ali will be applying her background in epigenomics and bioinformatics to identify functionally associated variation in the genome and epigenome of beef and dairy cattle.

Ali is interested in a broad range of research areas, including genomics, epigenomics, and bioinformatics. She started out her research career receiving an honours degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics from the University of Guelph in 2008 where she studied plant dehydrin proteins. She moved on from plants to study sex chromosome dosage compensation in platypuses and chickens for her Ph.D. research at the Australian National University (2013). Following her Ph.D., she completed a postdoctoral research project at the University of Canberra, Australia, focussing on sexual differentiation and the immune system in the central bearded dragon lizard (2016). After this postdoctoral position, Ali completed a coursework masters degree in bioinformatics at the University of Guelph (2017).