Corbin Award in Companion Animal Biology
Sponsored by: Mars Petcare [1]
Anna Kate Shoveller, University of Guelph
Dr. Anna Kate Shoveller received her PhD from the University of Alberta and is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph. Previously, she was employed by Procter & Gamble and Mars Pet Care where she added to the knowledge of dog and cat nutrition through investigation in the areas of energy metabolism and nutrient budgets of dogs and cats using indirect calorimetry and applying isotope dilution methodologies to quantify amino acids requirements in adult dogs. Shoveller has taken this experience and returned to academia where she teaches Companion and Equine nutrition and runs an active comparative nutrition research group. She has published over 50 peer-reviewed papers, contributed to multiple book chapters, and applied for multiple patents. Currently Shoveller is the Chair of the Companion Animal Nutrition section of ASAS and a board member of the CSAS. Dr. Shoveller not only has a passion to mentor young technologists, she is committed to the generation of highly qualified pet nutrition/product personnel.
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