OMAF Fish Production Research
The Applied Fish Production Research Program, commonly
referred to as the Aquaculture Program, is one of the seven
livestock research groups that are administered by the
umbrella Animal Program within the Enhanced Partnership
Agreement (1994) between the University of Guelph and the
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The Aquaculture Program research objectives include health, nutrition, breeding and genetics, endocrine, gametes and growth, waste management engineering, solar energy, fish welfare, economic analysis and industry characteristics. Short articles on some of these research areas can be found in "Aquatalk" a research bulletin published by the Aquaculture Centre.
The Aquaculture Program also embodies formal extension and service objectives that act in concert with our research activity, to deliver a truly interdisciplinary approach to research management and industry interaction.
The reference for our research and extension program priorities is the, 'Annual Report of Research and Service Priorities' published by the Ontario Aquaculture Research and Service Co-Ordinating Committee.
Fish Nutrition Research
The fish nutrition research program investigates methods to
maintain or reduce the present cost of feeding trout over
the next several years, through diet reformulation or
improved processing techniques, or by optimizing feeding
strategies for improved efficiency.
Fish Health Research
Fish health research aims to elucidate the etiology and
pathogenesis of economically significant diseases, in an
attempt to offer more effective measures of control, and to
provide routine surveillance and diagnosis of farmed-fish
diseases. Further, effective prophylactic and therapeutic
regimes for the common diseases of rainbow trout in Ontario
are being developed.
Fish Breeding & Genetics Research
Fish breeding and genetic research evaluates the
establishment of rainbow trout strains as well as other
species under Ontario conditions, with respect to spawning
time, growth rate and disease resistance etc., with the
long-term goal of developing a breeding program to optimize
these characteristics.
Endocrine, Gamete & Growth
Techniques are developed and assessed for the controlled
manipulation of gametes and reproductive cycles, and
acceleration of growth in rainbow trout.
Waste Management
Physical and chemical characteristics of fish waste are
determined for the purpose of developing efficient, and cost
effective design technology for manure management systems,
with the specific goal of reducing the environmental impacts
of fish farming.
Economic Analysis & Industry
Quantitative measures of the industry, the design of
economic models, are developed to assess new technology and
programs, and to facilitate industry expansion through
proactive promotion.
Engineering Research
Designs and research on mechanisms for improved management
of fish waste.
Examination of fish stressors by measuring physiological and
behavioural responses in free-swimming fish under various
environmental conditions.
Solar Energy
Research and cost effective analysis on the conversion of
solar energy to heat as a means of raising water temperature
to increase fish growth rate and hence time to market.