SAC 2020
For the past 35 years, the
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
has been a primary gathering forum for applied
computer scientists, computer engineers, software engineers, and
application developers from around the world. SAC 2020 is
sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing
(SIGAPP), and will be held in Brno, Czech Republic.
Track Description
The ACM SAC 2020 Bioinformatics Track aims at promoting current advances in biological sciences relying on analytical methods that integrate mathematical, physical and computer sciences.
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The track is primary devoted to publish papers very focused on timely well-defined biological issues whose solution have benefited from the use of computational techniques or the implementation of new ones. The track solicits submission of papers presenting a biological problem in a comprehensive way and (part of) its solution obtained through the application of computational methods including analysis, modeling and simulation.
Manuscripts presenting highly original results in the field of applied biology and are proof of an interdisciplinary collaboration between biologists and computer scientists are within the scope of the BIO Track. Furthermore, although this Track considers the innovative computational and methodological aspects very relevant, it gives greater emphasis to contributions that show practical applications of computational methodologies to the solution of biological problems. In this light, unbalanced manuscripts relying heavily only on mathematical or algorithmic contents, or reporting a general description of the eventual application field of the computational methods do not fall into the primary scope of the track.
Algorithmic procedures for modelling and analysis of data are solicited in the following areas of interest:
- cell and molecular biology
- microbiology
- synthetic biology
- neurobiology
- pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
- pharmacogenomics
- epidemiology
Conference Track Topics
Papers are solicited in, but not limited to the following areas:
- Bioinformatics for cancer biology and genomics
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- Biological data analysis: exploratory and confirmatory statistical applications
- Biological systems visualization: chromosomes, genes, proteins and metabolites
- Gene identification and annotation
- Sequence analysis
- Comparative genomics
- Population genetics
- Bio-databases: construction and integration
- RNA-SEQ data analysis, sequencing assemblies and mapping
- Computational methods for cell and molecular biology
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- Biological network inference
- Modelling dynamics of protein and metabolic networks
- Observability and controllability of non-linear biological networks
- Stability and stabilization of non-linear biological systems
- Driver nodes and optimal driver nodes selection in biological networks
- Parameter inference in deterministic models of biological processes and networks
- Parameter inference in stochastic models of biological processes and networks
- Parameter inference from noisy data
- Computational methods for microbiology and synthetic biology
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- Molecular and cellular mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis
- Mathematical models for dynamics of metabolic networks in bacteria
- Modelling stress response and robustness of bacterial metabolic networks
- Spatio-temporal modeling of microbial metabolism
- Modelling bacterial chemotaxis
- Bacterial glycomics: current technology, data and models.
- Models of pathogens’ drug resistance
- Molecular virology
- Computational methods for neurobiology and development
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- Bio-Neural simulators
- Modelling neurons and neural circuits
- Cognitive modelling
- Functional neuroimaging: algorithmic and computational aspects
- Computational methods for personalized medicine
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- Big data processing into computational models for personalized medicine and health care
- Statistical methods for interpreting disease genomic variants of disease
Notice for authors
Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of the paper/poster in the conference proceedings. An author or a proxy attending SAC MUST present the paper: This is a requirement for the paper/poster to be included in the ACM/IEEE digital library. No-show of scheduled papers and posters will result in excluding them from the ACM/IEEE digital library.
ACM SAC 2020 call for papers and tutorials is TBA.
Important Dates
- Paper/poster/SRC Submission Deadline:
September 15, 2019
- September 29, 2019
- Paper/poster/SRC Authors Notification:
November 10, 2019
- November 24, 2019
- Camera-Ready Copy:
November 25, 2019
- December 9, 2019
Call for papers
Student Research Competition
SRC Call for Student Research Abstracts - TBA
Previous Tracks
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