February 10,2020 Conformation Data arrived from S. Korea Pedigree data arrived from S. Korea Conformation data was lacking calving dates and judge identification Requested if those were available February 11, 2020 New data file was sent, containing calving date and judge ID Pedigree info was processed to find number of unique animals and to expand the pedigree if necessary perl gcped.pl PED0A.d 1,721,334 unique animals found pedchk.f --> PED00.d -> PED00S.d csort -r53 -oPED00S.d -ka2a12a28a12 PED00.d pedchk2.f in:PED00S.d --> out:PED01.d perl gc10.pl --> TYP01.d CON01.f - in:TYP01.d --> TYP02.d Data 922,306 records distributed as follows: 389,963 in first parity 251,307 2nd parity 147,104 3rd parity 75,977 4th 34,685 5th 14,415 6th 5,641 7th 2,127 8th 707 9th 380 10 + or 0 Noticed: Record might say parity 1, but age at classification could be 45 or 52 months of age. Age at calving or parity numbers should be ignored. Noticed: Reclassified animals seemed to always have higher overall classification score, but other traits may go up or down in score. Reclassifications will be removed from analysis. Only one record per animal. Rules of classification system in S. Korea needs to be understood. February 13, 2020 - Started fixing evaluation programs - Multiple trait model (25 traits) - Year-Month-Judge + AGE + DIM(4) + HYS + Anim + e - question: whether to use first classification only, but at any age. February 14, 2020 - sort data by animal, judge date - look at data do the scores only go up or both ways? Overall Final Classification seems to only go up. February 18, 2020 - CON02.f, CON03.f, and CON04.f - To assign missing trait codes to data records - 28 different types of missing data, only 5 or 6 main types, rest have small numbers. February 19, 2020 - Number factors in the model - CON05.f - determine number of reclassifications 1/3 of data - distribution of age at classification 25 groups formed - distribution by Judge 5 judges combined into 1, max 40 judges - dist year-month, years 1984 to 1989 combined into one, due to small numbers per subclass - csort -r142 -ka27a7a59a6 - CON06.f - year-mo-judge subclasses numbered, 1991 of them - csort -r167 -ka25a19 - CON07.f - farm-year-mo subclasses numbered, 45,289 of them February 20, 2020 - deal with pedigrees, get new ped00.f from ROMANIA folder February 21, 2020 - ped00.f - get pedigrees of animals with conformation data in: PED01.d TYP07.d out: PEDA0.d - ped01.f - determine generation numbers in: PEDA0.d out: PEDA1.d - csort -r46 -oPEDA1S.d -kd2a5a8a12 PEDA1.d 693,529 animals in pedigrees of those with records 23 generations - ped02.f in: PEDA1S.d out: PEDA2.d - csort -r56 -oPEDA2S.d -ka13a12 PEDA2.d February 27, 2020 - ped03.f number all animals consecutively March 2, 2020 -csort -r46 -oPEDA1S.d -kd2a5a8a12 PEDA1.d (re-do) - ped02.f re-do changed Character*15 to Character*12 and formats -csort -r56 -oPEDA2S.d -ka13a12 PEDA2.d - ped03.f numbers all animals, sires and dams -csort -r51 -oPEDA3S.d -ka2a30 PEDA3.d - ped04.f compute inbreeding coefficients and create ped files for genetic evaluation in:PEDA3S.d out: PEDA4.d CPEDA4.d -csort -r89 -oPEDA4S.d -ka77a12 PEDA4.d -csrot -r36 -oCPEDA4S.d -ka2a13 CPEDA4.d - Renumber animals in data file. March 6, 2020 - edits to TTxxxx.f, formats, file names - VCV01.f - creating the starting covariance matrices for Genetic, PE, Contemporary, and Residual effects March 9, 2020 - edits to TTparms.f March 10, 2020 - TTmain.f was initiated. 25 traits nm=1 ANM nm=2 APE nm=3 HYS nm=4 RES each iteration was slow. Program ran for over a week. 6000 samples March 11, 2020 COVID-19 closed down university August 27, 2020 I am back to summarize the estimates from Gibbs sampling - must revise autoMI.f