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July 2021

Paige Rockett's MSc Defence

Heat stress can negatively impact the sustainability and productivity of a dairy production system even in temperate regions such as Canada. A possible mitigation strategy is to use genetic selection to improve heat tolerance. However, it is difficult to study heat stress using weather station data due to the sparsity of stations and inconsistencies within datasets. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the impact of heat stress and to estimate genetic parameters for heat tolerance in Canadian Holsteins using an alternative meteorological data resource known as NASA POWER.

Nicole Moran's MSc Defence

Fish farming facilities are rapidly intensifying their operations in order to meet the increased demand for aquaculture products worldwide. As a result, fish farming populations are exposed to increased stressors such as higher bacterial load and higher incidence of injury, leading to higher incidences of mortalities. Immunomodulators can improve an organism’s response to stress by augmenting the immune response via enhancement or inhibition.