My general philosophy of life is that, if a job is worth doing, it is worth doing fast. Which gets a lot done, but it is peppered with mistakes. Compound those mistakes with printers who miss proof reader's mark-ups, and the randomizing element of corrupted data transmission, and the only thing that saves me from despair is middle-aged loss of vision. If I do not wear reading glasses, the peppering of mistakes disappears in a sort of fuzzy blur. Before the blur got really bad, here are some mistakes I found.


The error that causes me most grief is a misrepresentation of Young's modulus containing an extra and unwanted


which can be found on page 92 of "On-line Evaluation of Meat" (OLEM) as well as page 559 of "Structure and Development of Meat Animals and Poultry" (SADMAP) was a classic error caused by dashing at high speed without checking. The extra kay diddley A crept in from a line that was not properly deleted, and it crept into two books! It was not until failing memory caused me to read one of my own books that I spotted it, although I am sure it must jump off the page and attack anyone who knows their rheology.


So this is the latest book - an international glossary of mistakes and omissions. I came home from the Albion Hotel on Thursday night the first day I saw the final copy and, of course, found the first typo:-

p. 41, Figure 41, The red crab is Cancer productus - although the typo "productucs" has a certain sonority to it. If I ever discover a new species of red crab I will call it C. productucs just to be confusing. If you think I'm joking, you should look at all the real sound-alikes in the crayfish family.

Feel free to e-mail other screw-ups for this list. The origin of the universe was probably the consequence of a divine mistake, so the mistakes in my work should be viewed in their proper light, as small echoes of the primaeval big bang.