Format of Fertility Data - From CDN files Fields containing -9 are missing data anim 8. /* Internal CDN animal number */ +1reg $18. /* +1 => One blank space */ +1cowbreed $2. +1Parity $2. /* =0 for heifers */ +1AC 3. /* AC => Age at Calving */ +1MC 2. /* MC => Month of Calving */ +1AP 3. /* AP => Age at Previous Calving */ +1MP 2. /* MC => Month of Previous Calving */ +1RYS 6. /* region-year-season, consecutively numbered */ +1RYSH 6. /* region-year-season-herd, consecutive */ +1ApMf 5. /* check with CDN for these definitions */ +1ApMp 5. /* " +1ApMpX 5. /* " +1AcMcX 5. /* " +1MfX 3. /* " +1sreg $18. /* Sire of Cow Reg # */ +1sbreed $2. /* Breed of Sire of Cow */ +1Mf 2. /* Month of First Insemination */ +1SS_Y 8. /* First Service Sire by Year of First Insemination */ +1SireC 8. /* Sire of Calf database id */ +1SireC_reg $18. /* Sire of calf registration */ +1Tech $7. /* AI technician number */ +1AFS 5. /* Age at first service */ +1NRR 2. /* non-return rate (0, 1) */ +1NS 2. /* number of services */ +1CTFS 4. /* calving to first service interval */ +1FSTC 4. /* first service to conception interval */ +1GL 4. /* gestation length, days */ +1CE 2. /* calving ease (1-5 score) */ +1SB 2. /* stillbirth (0=stillborn, 1=ok) */ +1CZ 2. /* calf size (1 to 3) */ If in doubt about any of these variables, ask CDN Filename: CBLess.d